Why am I involved with “Arul Trust”? – Today: Simone Krause-Münnich

Why am I involved with “Arul Trust”? – Today: Simone Krause-Münnich

Today we introduce our club member Simone Krause-Münnich, director of the St. Elisabeth kindergarten in Sandhausen:

Regarding her membership in the “Arul Trust” support association, Ms Krause-Münnich writes:

"If we look at the current situation in the world, we see and hear that the need is very great in many countries and donations are urgently needed. I am then concerned with questions such as: Will my donation really reach the people there? Can my donation actually make a difference?

For me, the basic requirement when I donate is trust and transparency for the respective organization. That was also the reason why I chose the Arul Trust, because I see my supervisor, Father Lourdu, as a person I can trust, who ensures that the donations are used where they are most urgently needed and that the methods are transparent, because I find out which small and large projects are being supported.

With my donation I would like to give something back and help the association so that they can implement their projects locally and help where help is needed.

Anyone who donates is making a contribution and thereby sending an important message and perhaps giving people a little relief and joy in life.”

Further information about the association and membership is available at www.arul-trust.com.

Donation account: Förderverein Arul Trust eV, IBAN: DE 65 6725 0020 0009 3433 34, BIC: SOLADES1HDB

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