Poverty due to environmental disasters

Poverty caused by environmental disasters

"At least 31 dead from severe flooding in India" - a shocking report in the news at the beginning of October. But that was not the only major flood that hit India. We have heard and continue to hear about such disasters in the news again and again, including horrific droughts in which people die, lose family members who had previously contributed to the family's social survival, who have lost all their belongings and their shelter. And it is almost always the poorest of the poor who are affected, and above all the children who depend on adults. Children are the first to die from malnutrition and disease. In addition to hunger, dangerous epidemics are spreading quickly in these areas, but almost no one has the money for essential medicines or even doctor's visits. It is all about simply surviving each new day.

The non-profit association www.arul-trust.com cares for the poorest of the poor in India and checks, regardless of individual religious affiliation, where this help is most needed. Visit us on our website and, if you are doing well yourself, help us with your support so that the people in India can also do well.

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