general meeting 03.07.24

Tireless act of charity
- Realization of 20 projects within one year

The first chairman of the support association, Arul Lourdu, welcomed the members present at the scheduled general meeting on July 3rd in the Mauritiushaus in Leimen. Before he recorded the association's presentation with his annual report, a minute's silence was observed in memory of the members who had died in the last year.

Since the last meeting, the association has done a lot in line with its purpose – promoting development cooperation and supporting people in need.
Here are some examples of a total of 20 grants in the period from June 2023 to June 2024: A prison received books for prisoners, donation of furniture and fans to the visually impaired, payment of tuition fees for a student, support for an old man with his living expenses, purchase of machines for a young man to build his independence, payment of the costs of an appendectomy for a 7-year-old girl, construction of houses for poor people, etc.

Arul Lourdu thanked those present for their help through their membership. The association currently has 115 members, including five companies, the city of Leimen and the community of Nußloch. New members are always welcome and are urgently needed.

The grants generally go directly to people or institutions in need or suffering.

Many inquiries come directly and are always checked for objectivity and necessity.

Manfred Weida, presented his report in his capacity as treasurer.

The support association is on a sound footing, but needs more members and donations to cover the number of requests in order to be able to finance the support from this budget. The auditors' report did not reveal any complaints. The accounts were kept properly and correctly over the audited period.

Another item on the agenda was the amendment of the association’s statutes.

Two topics had to be decided:

· Expanding the support options for other countries

· Expansion of the board of directors by a third chairman and up to five assessors as well as the definition of the representatives.

After the resolution was passed: The Arul Trust eV support association will also be there for people in other countries in the future (not just for India)

Since the first chairman Arul Lourdu will be out of the country for a certain period of time starting in January 2025, the board of directors has been expanded accordingly.

1st Chairman Arul Lourdu, 2nd Chairman Christian Sych, 3rd Chairman Ulrich Laier (new), Treasurer Manfred Weida. Newly elected are the five assessors, Daniel Kohl, Nicole Senger, Sr. Mary, Sr. Saritha and Silvia Sych.

Look out for further activities of the support association:

· Summer festival on July 20, 2024 starting at 3:00 p.m. in the parish garden in Leimen

· Participation in the Leimen Christmas market

· Processing the project request for the purchase of a water tank, for the first time on the African continent, specifically in Tanzania.

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